Chicagoans on Barack Obama




We Chicagoans want to let everyone know about our Senator Barack Obama and the City and state in which he represents and that he represented as a state legislator. Please pass this on to everyone you know.


Here are some facts about Chicago, the State of Illinois & Senator Barack Obama:

- Chicago has one of the highest murder rates in the world for a major city - approx 500 per year.

- Chicago has one of the highest crime rates in the world for a major city.

- Chicago has the highest sales tax in the country at 10.25%

- Middle class property tax rates are unbearable - imagine paying over $6k on average per year in property taxes for a low priced home.


Outrageous Chicago Property Taxes

- Chicagoans are heavily burdened by the excessive taxes of all sorts, fees and other governmental infringements on our pocket books.

- Chicago gas costs approximately 25 cents more per gallon than other areas due to excessive taxes, plus the major Chicago highways still have tolls, thus increasing taxes more.

- Chicago schools continually require more money, provide fewer services and lose 50% of our children before graduation. Yes, 50% of the children in Chicago Schools drop out and do not graduate from high school.


- William Ayers, the unrepentant domestic terrorist that bombed over a dozen US buildings, and Barack Obama ran the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC). Their goal with CAC is to radicalize children via our public schools and teach them to hate their country. Now Chicago has a bunch of radical kids and 50% don’t graduate high school. And, these radicalized kids terrorize our streets committing murder and mayhem.

- Chicago and the surrounding suburbs' roads are in continuous disrepair due to the corruption and waste in the contracting for road repair services. The Chicago City solution – help people file a claim against the city for damage to their vehicles.

- The corruption in Chicago politics is known worldwide - on 27 August 08 Ex-President Clinton told friends at the Democratic Convention that Barack Obama had the ethics of a Chicago thug. We Chicagoans know this is true.

- The people's tax money is routinely used to pay off family and friends of Chicago politicians through dubious contracts and other unethical means.

- Earmarks also known as pork barrel projects are the norm, thus wasting our money and driving taxes for everything through the roof. Political “pay-offs” by Chicago politicians are normal business in Chicago.

- Our capital, Springfield, IL, is the home of corruption and incompetence and the former employer of Senator Obama where political gridlock, deficit spending and finger pointing is the norm. He was part of the gridlock.

- Obama has no reputation as a change agent and is a typical shady Illinois politician that votes the radical left platform over 97% of the time. He otherwise voted “present” over 140 times on major issues because he did not know how to take a stance.

- Obama has never stepped across the aisle to get things done - ever. So, he is a cause of political gridlock, not for cooperative governance.


- Obama is the farthest left politician in Washington and plans to govern, if elected president, from the extreme left because Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are also extreme left politicians and are in charge of Congress.

- Obama has accumulated approximately  3/4 of a $Billion in pork barrel legislation in his very short US Senate career, thus using the people's money to pay off contributors. He did the same thing while a state senator in Illinois.

- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is a corrupt and wasteful public corporation that is massively subsidized by US tax payers and now threatens world economies because of their incompetence and the chain reaction of their mismanagement to the global markets.


The Financial Crisis That Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Caused

- Barack Obama was the third largest recipient of funds from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in his short 3+ year US Senate career, thus he is heavily influenced by BIG.


- Since 2001 President Bush tried to reign in Fannie and Freddie from the control of congress and the corruption therein, but the Democrats in Congress, including Mr. Obama, killed it in committee. See here:

History of Attempts to Fix Fannie and Freddie

Also see here:

In-depth Look At Attempts to Fix Fannie and Freddie


- John McCain tried the same thing in 2006 when he cosponsored a bill to reign in Freddie and Fannie, but the Democrats in Congress killed it in committee – the money they received from Freddie and Fannie was too good:

John McCain Attempts Fannie and Freddie Fix in 2005

- One of the other BIG money interests that controls Barack Obama is the Abortion Industrial Complex. Here him in his own words explain what his first action as President would be pushing aside all of the major concerns facing our country:

How Big Money Influences Barack Obama


- The radical environmental lobby also controls Mr. Obama, thus he will not drill for oil here in the US. We will continue to send $750 Billion annually of America’s wealth to other countries. Bringing that money home would eliminate unemployment for those who want to work. He is also against increasing our nuclear energy production past our current 104 nuclear power plants in the US even though energy experts acknowledge that nuclear is the true green source of energy that can power our future.


America’s Energy Future


- The radical environmentalists are against wind, solar and tide energy because of “damage to the beauty of the landscape and to wildlife and sea life.” The radical environmentalist lobby is very powerful and has total control over the Democrat Party to include Barack Obama. This powerful lobby is the reason we do not drill or use the alternative sources of energy right now.



- Mr. Obama does not plan to reduce government waste at all, as a matter of fact he will increase the size of government and spending just like he and his Democratic comrades did here in Chicago and the state of Illinois. His $1 Trillion expansion of government is not the right course. Illinois and Chicago is the micro example of inefficient, corrupt and incompetent bureaucracy and governance. Extrapolate this now to the federal government that Barack Obama envisions.


- Remember that 41% of every Dollar received by the government is wasted, seemingly even more here in Chicago. We cannot afford more government.

Please read the following site in its entirety. It is the most important site of the 2008 political season.




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