We were the #1 site that investigated Barack Obama before the election of 2008, so our extensive research is contained below for reference and comparison when President Obama begins to govern the nation.


We hope and pray that President Obama becomes a leader that truly does unite this country and we support our new President.


Let us demand the following from our government:

- Reform our political system and the elimination of corruption and unethical behavior at all levels.

- That our 1st and 2nd Amendments rights do not get trampled on

- That our politicians fix our broken Social Security and Medicare Systems

- The elimination of the thousands of useless programs and agencies that are bankrupting our country

- Fix our public education system that currently graduates only 75% of our children nationally and around only 50% in our large cities

- Strengthen our military, police, and national security agencies

- Implement a multifaceted energy policy

- Fix our broken immigration system

- Eliminate fraud, waste and abuse at all levels


Now, our pre-election research is contained herein. Come back often.


Please sit back with your favorite beverage and read on.


The Top 10 Hottest Must See

2008 Election Videos


Here are the hottest “must see” videos & sites on the issues that Americans want to be informed about before the election.


The Top Ten Video List:


10. The Economy – 80% of CEOs:



9. The Global War on Terror:



8. An End to Racism – The Final Solution:



7. 80 Million Gun Owners and The Second Amendment - Facts You Must Know Before Voting:



6. Church and State:



5. One America – Uniting All Races, Religions and Genders:



4. The Military on the 2008 Presidential Election:



3. Traditional Democrats & Hillary Supporters


- 2nd runner-up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NtjZBolLLI&feature=related


2. Friends & Character: Don’t View This Video – Too Disturbing!



1. Banned By the Media - We Must Remember:



Top 3 Videos on Racism and the 2008 Election:


3. The NBP: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pn8k46DhK5E


2. Never Seen Before: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfFVKqHWJU0


1. Hillary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sG1uy_efHzU&feature=related


Top 2 Videos on Abortion and the 2008 Election:


2. Shocking: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIdbYjmbFzo


1. 1st Act as President: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NN4TKrViNE&feature=related


Top 2 Videos on Religion and the 2008 Election:


2. You Have Not Seen This: http://www.obamareligion.net/


1. World Famous Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3kvW0cGZvQ&feature=related


Top 2 Hillary Supporters Sites:


2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUfGuMDYRDU&feature=related


1. http://www.writeinhillaryclinton.com/


Best Site of the 2008 Election:




P.S. Must See Listing of Sites to Review Before You Vote in 2008:




Fresh Hot News That You Don’t Know and Must Know Before the Election:



Send this to everyone you know. Post it to blogs, forums and pass it to political organizations and the internet, TV, Radio and Print media. Clean it up before you send it by deleting message headers to include previous email addresses to ensure it is attractive to read.


The Latest News


Here is the latest news that gives exact insight into Barack Obama’s views and objectives on the most important issues to include the economy, taxes, troops in Iraq, housing, education, energy and much more.


The Economy:

America’s business leaders proclaim that Obama would destroy the economy. Read Here: 80% of US CEOs Choose Their President


Barack Obama’s Tax Plan – Redistribution of Wealth


Mr. Obama openly proclaims that he will redistribute wealth and tax success. Here on 13 Oct 08 Barack Obama slips and lets his true intentions known as he tells a plumber that he will take his wealth and spread it to others:


See Video: Obama to Redistribute Wealth – Marxist Tax Plan


The Democrat VP Candidate admits that he wants to tax some and give to others. It is patriotic to pay more taxes.


See Video: Biden Plan for Redistribution of Wealth


Obama and the Democrats openly proclaim that they will undertake even greater deficit spending, build our national debt to crushing levels and will tax and spend for the “betterment of America.”


Video: Barney Frank (D) – We Need MORE Deficit Spending NOW!!


Obama: End to Racism? Click Here to Find Out


Barack Obama’s Energy Plan


Mr. Obama may say that he has a great energy plan, but informed Americans realize these facts:


- Barack Obama and the Democrats are totally controlled by the radical environmentalist lobby, so they are against drilling for oil here in the USA. They created this “10 years to see results” propaganda 20 years ago and the Democratic candidates have used it ever since. We put a man on the moon in only 8 years: consequently we will see positive domestic oil results progressively starting in one to two years. He now states that he would support limited drilling, but this is not his true stance and he has been against domestic drilling from the beginning stating, “We cannot drill our way to energy independence.” Maximizing the local production of oil in the USA would bring financial prosperity to America as we further tap into our 70 year+, 100 billion+ barrel known reserve as supported by John McCain.

See Here:


Barack Obama Proclaims that He Will Not Drill Here for Oil


This alone would bring America to full employment as new high paying jobs open up and hundreds of small businesses provide ancillary support to domestic oil production. Mr. Obama does not understand that his “No-Drill Policy” will continue to pour our riches into countries that are our enemies to the tune of over $700 billion a year. This country and the world is 40 years away from breaking free from petroleum products to fuel our societies, so countries that currently tap into their oil reserves have power and prosperity. The USA must bring this $700 Billion back to America – Drill Here and Drill Now!!


What does Obama’s anti-drill stance mean to you? Unfortunately this would cause higher gas prices, thus placing greater financial burdens on all Americans as prices for everything would continue to skyrocket. Modern drilling methods are extremely environmentally friendly, but Obama is paid off by the far left environmentalists to stick with their ‘70s anti-corporate USA platform. Americans are sick and tired of these few radical environmentalists causing tremendous pain and suffering on the rest of us.


- He is against nuclear power because of out-dated fears about waste and safety. We already have 104 nuclear power plants in the USA that do a fantastic job for us providing over 20% of our power. Nuclear is the cleanest energy source, and with modern recycling methods we can reuse the byproducts until it becomes easy to dispose of safely as they do in Europe and Japan. France uses nuclear power for 80% of their electricity production. Nuclear is truly our perpetual power source. McCain’s Energy Plan includes robust expansion of nuclear energy and would create 700,000 new highly paid jobs.


See Here: Mr. Obama “I am not a proponent of nuclear energy.”


- Mr. Obama is against using our 1,000+ year reserve of coal, our major source of energy that powers 50% of our electric grid today, provides millions of jobs and that can be refined to make petroleum products for our vehicles as a bridge fuel for until our alternative energy sources become a reality.


Click Here: Shocking Obama Anti-coal Interview


This “Cap and Trade” Tax system is the biggest tax penalty on business in history. It is an utter failure in Europe and punishes businesses that provide the jobs to fuel the economy. This tax system also is used in Europe to tax virtually every purchase as citizens are charged for the “carbon footprint” that their purchases “cause” to the environment. Obama changes his message depending on the audience, but the fact is that Mr. Obama is not for investing in clean coal technology and is anti-coal as per the radical environmentalist big money influence. John McCain will use this energy source as a bridge to our next generation of clean energy, and actually work to make coal a much cleaner source of our energy needs than it is today.


- Again depending on the audience he is both for and against alternative energy. As per the big money control by the radical environmentalist lobby, Barack Obama is against wind, solar and tidal power for the most part because the radical environmentalists say that it diminishes the landscape, and is harmful to wildlife and sea life. This is the truth behind the rhetoric.


See Here: Radical Environmentalists Say No to Wind Energy


See Here: Radical Environmentalists Say No to Solar Energy


See Here: Radical Environmentalists Say No to Tidal Energy


- Mr. Obama’s famous energy plan is for everyone to keep their tires inflated and vehicles tuned up, thus assuming everyone does not do this already. Listen as he makes his very un-presidential and ill though out proposal here:


Click Here Barack Obama on Solving the Oil Crisis Now


WE NEED A REAL MULTIFACETED ENERGY PLAN NOW THAT USES ALL AVAILABLE  SOURCES!! We simply will not get it with Barack Obama’s real plan. The radical environmentalists have complete power over him on this issue.


John McCain will provide financial incentives for companies that introduce viable zero emission vehicles like the two highlighted here:


View the 220 Mile Electric Car from Tesla Motors


View the Air Car


Under John McCain we will see vehicles like this on the road in his first term on a path to mass production in the USA. Imagine driving and never needing a fill up! Whoever wins the 2008 Presidential Election, we must demand that the major US auto makers invest in Electric-Compressed Air Hybrids that never need a fill up and that perpetually recharges both systems through normal daily driving. Flood your favorite carmaker with calls, emails, faxes and letters to make this a reality.


The Truth Behind the Financial Crisis of 2008


The politicians tell of the economic crisis of September 2008 and the “Corporate Greed” that caused it all. There is much more to the story that we are not being told. Here is the best info site on the issue – Click here:


The Truth about the Financial Crisis Resulting From the Fannie and Freddie Debacle


Banned By the Media - We Must Remember:


Click Here for Must See Video


Breaking the Secrecy Surrounding Barack Obama


Barack is the most secretive politician to ever seek the Presidency of the United States. He refuses to release any documents from his past to include record of his college education, his certified birth certificate, his Christian baptismal record, and his medical records amongst many other aspects of his life. Even John McCain at 71 years old released his complete health record that shows a clean bill of current health.


See Here: John McCain Releases 1500-Page Medical Records 1999


See Here John McCain Releases Medical Records 2008


It is obvious that Mr. Obama has something to hide, and we dig in and find out interesting facts that lead to the most likely reason. After you view this site in its entirety you will be able to make an informed decision for yourself.


Mr. Obama tries to keep his network of friends secret, but we have unearthed the truth and expose it all. Here is an interesting listing of aspects of Mr. Obama’s life that he demands to keep secret:


Click Here: Obama Demands Secrecy of His Past


One area of secrecy that just broke in September 2008 reveals much about this candidate that seeks the most powerful office in the world – the Presidency of the United States. See further down about the CAC and Barack Obama’s plan for public school education.


Barack Obama’s Community Organizer Credentials


We did our due diligence to find out what Barack Obama’s “Community Organizer” credentials consist of and here is the eye opening truths that were recently revealed.


New Information on Barack Obama’s Plan for Education


Newly released information on Barack Obama’s past influence as a “community organizer” on the Chicago School System shows what his education agenda would bring to American public schools.


Newly released boxes of documents secured at the University of Illinois at Chicago that his handlers attempted to keep from the public explain Barack Obama’s extensive relationship with the unrepentant domestic terrorist, William Ayers. Click to Hear Ayers Recent Shocking Words

Previously Mr. Obama claimed that he barely knew Ayers and his handlers still try to distance him from Ayers to this very day. Now it is newly revealed in September 2008 that Obama and Ayers were intimately close in many ways, most importantly in their extensive efforts to change the Chicago School System. Hard to believe? Read the hot new info here from the Wall Street Journal:


Obama, Ayers and the CAC


The Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) is an organization that Ayers devised to “radicalize” the Chicago School System. As you read in the article, when forming the CAC Ayers identified himself as a small c communist and radical anti-American activist. His goal with CAC was to indoctrinate the next generation in the public school system.


Together Obama and Ayers pushed their agenda to teach school children and their parents to be radical activists rather than emphasizing studying and testing requirements. They used a $50 million grant to push their agenda. Their objective was to train a new generation of anti-American activists according to Ayers.  It is important to note that only 50% of Chicago school children graduate high school, but they are radical and violent. What is their incentive to excel in America when they are taught to hate their country? Chicago politicians are dumbfounded at how to stop the rampant youth violence and appalling murder rate in their city. Experts say it is imperative to get worst school system in the nation back on track with a curriculum focused on true education.


These new facts now show that Mr. Obama not only has many questionable friends, but also that he took part in radical counter-cultural activities himself. Is this why the University of Illinois, Chicago tried to keep dozens of boxes filled to be brim with the truth on this issue from the public?


More research shows that Mr. Obama wrote a raving review of a William Ayers’ book and Mr. Obama’s political career was launched in William Ayers living room in 1995. Read further down to see the list of characters that Mr. Obama claims to be his friends and mentors in his autobiography, but now claims he barely knew any one of them. We now see that Mr. Obama hangs around with the lowest class of people that we despise having as a part of our community. His list of associates includes criminals, terrorists, racists, anti-American propagandists and self-proclaimed Communists and Islamists.


Obama & ACORN Lawyer and Trainer


Another area of Barack Obama’s Iife that he desperately tries to keep secret is his extensive relationship to ACORN. Barack Obama looked into the camera dozens of times and told us, the American people, that he has no ties to this radical group, but we expose the fact that he lies to our faces over and over again without flinching on this and many other issues. Here is a listing of the Obama/ACORN connection that has been revealed so far:


1.    Obama was a lawyer for ACORN

2.    Obama was a  trainer for ACORN

3.    Obama was an ACORN Project Vote Coordinator

4.    Obama funneled millions of dollars from the CAC described above to ACORN when he was partners with William Ayers in this radical organization

5.    Obama gave ACORN $832,598 to Citizens Services, Inc., a subsidiary of ACORN, to register voters for him in 2008

6.    Obama gave his donor list to ACORN to solicit contributions over the maximum limit

7.    Obama promised that ACORN will have a big role in his Administration should he be elected as the POTUS.


SHOCKING NEW NEWS 30 Oct 08: ACORN FRAUD AND THE OBAMA CAMPAIGN NEWS!! The Obama Campaign gave ACORN their “Donor List” to solicit contributors that donated the maximum to give even more.


Click Here: Former ACORN Employee – ACORN Fraud Exposed


ACORN – This organization is being investigated in 13 different states for voter fraud and more explosive news is coming out every day about this entity in regards to the 2008 election and its connections to the Wall Street Bailout. ACORN was caught registering over 600,000 fraudulent votes for the 2008 Presidential Election to include registering dead people, registering the same voter dozens of times, registering illegal aliens and felons, and registering non-existent people such as cartoon characters – all as Democrats and all for Obama. Their criminal practices have corrupted early voting in the battleground states that allow early voting. Obama states that ACORN will shape his domestic policy if elected:


Click Here: Obama Says ACORN Will Shape His Domestic Agenda


ACORN is supposedly a non-partisan group, but this organization openly endorses Barack Obama for President. This organization receives millions of dollars in taxpayer funding, but is blatantly Democrat and a militant Army for Obama:


The 2008 ACORN Convention – Secrets Revealed


Now we learn that the Obama Campaign gave $832,598 to Citizens Services, Inc., a subsidiary of ACORN, to register voters for him. See here:


Obama Gives $832,598 to ACORN To Register Voters For Him


Newly exposed facts recently came out about Barack Obama’s extensive association with this organization that is well known for mass voter fraud and high pressure tactics to force banks to give home loans to low income people that could not afford to pay them off. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac then bought hundreds of billions of dollars worth of these “bad mortgages.” This has resulted in the $700 Billion Wall Street Bailout” and the government purchase of “bad loans” that we Americans will be burdened with for generations to come.  ACORN played a tremendous roll in the mortgage crisis that we are experiencing now.


IMPORTQANT!! ACORN and the 2008 Election


Mr. Obama was a lawyer for ACORN and he was a trainer of their top officials in Chicago and he was a Director for their Project Vote program. So again this confirms his personal involvement with radical countercultural organizations that show a disdain for the law and America as a whole. So now we know that his leadership roles in CAC and ACORN are his “Community Organizer” credentials that he touts. See the latest here:


Click Here to Read: ACORN and the Bailout


Many other secrets are finally revealed herein that Barack Obama tried to keep secret along with his willing accomplices in the press and his fellow Democrats. You will be amazed at the facts that we have gathered that simply go unreported.


Chicagoans on Barrack Obama


Chicagoans tell us that Mr. Obama does not have a record of being a unifier. People in Chicago know that he gained his political clout by befriending political influence peddlers and entrenching himself in the corrupt Chicago Political

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